Karuna Thota
Mail:[email protected]
Carrer Summary:
v Have 2.8 years of Experience in Software Testing field as a Test Engineer.
v Expertise in functional automation using QTP and Selenium.
v Expertise in scripts preparation using vb-script languages and execution within the framework.
v Involvement in preparation of Test scenarios, Test cases and executing the same.
v Involved in different types of testing like GUI, End-to-End testing and
Re-Regression Testing.
v Good knowledge of SQL server and database testing concepts.
v Expertise in test management using Quality Center.
v Good exposure on Bug Life Cycle.
v Good exposure in Requirements understanding and analyzing.
v Good Exposure to SDLC and STLC.
v Test results analyzing, sending suggestions and defects.
v Commitment, result oriented and interested to learn new technologies.
v Familiar with Test Strategy, Test Plan and Traceability Matrices Documents.
v A good team player with analytical and interpersonal skills.
v Self-starter and comfortable in high intensity and challenging work environment.
Professional Experience:
v Working as ‘Software Test Engineer’ with Halona Technologies, Hyderabad since July 2008 to Till date.
v Worked as a faculty in ‘Micro Computers’ from May 2005 to Feb 2008 .
v Worked as a Teacher in ‘Divya Public School’ from August 1999 to Nov 2003.
Educational Qualifications:
§ B.Com from Nagarjuna University, Machilipatnam, Krishna District AP in 1999 with First Division.
Software Skills:
Software Testing : Manual and Automation
Automated Tools : QTP,Selenium and QC
Progrmming Languages : ‘C’
Operating Systems : Windows,Ms-Dos
Scripting Languages : Vb-Script
RDBMS : SQL server
Projects Profile:
Project #1: INRE Search Engine
Client : INRE INC, USA
Technology : Java, Search Engine Technologies,Spring FrameWork, Apache Lucine,
SOLR WebServices,Wapers,Hybernet,PGSQL database,AJAX using
Testing Approach : Manual & Automation
Tools Used : QTP, Selenium, Bugzilla
Duration : March 2010 to till date
Team Size : 08
Role : Test Engineer
Developed a Search Engine for www.inre.com, the website of the US bases In Re Inc, which features over 1 million US court documents on bankruptcy cases. Used SOLR and Apache Lucene (search technologies) with Java, DWR framework, YUI Ajax framework, Postgree SQL and Acunetic. Incorporated social networking features like global login, user tags, search history and tag library for each case
This Search Engine for Search chapter 11court documents,docket entries and cases.Each bankruptcy pleading have is fully searchable about 3 million pages at the moment.All pleadings of bankrupt corporations are chrologically placed from bankruptcy file date to latest pleading date.
All the bankruptcy cases information are arranged in the form of case metadata,case pleadings as docket entries.All the cases are arranged as US district court wise and judgewise.These cases are in alphabetical order.
· Involved in preparation of test cases.
· Execution the test cases using QTP, Selenium and Manually.
· Involved in GUI, Smoke, User interface testing.
· Performed Retesting and Regression testing.
· Reported Bugs to Tracking Team.
· Reporting the test results to the team leader.
Project #2: ALEAP
Client : Association of Lady Entrepreneur of Andhra Pradesh
Technology : Java.
Testing Approach : Manual & Automation
Tools Used : QTP
Duration : September 2009 to March 2010
Team Size : 06
Role : Test Engineer
As Online Marketing Consultant for ALEAP, a nonprofit in Andhra Pradesh, helped it enable its women entrepreneurs sell their products and services globally by creating an e-commerce platform – www.vipani.in.
The Asso.
ciation of lady Entrepreneurs of Andhra Pradesh (ALEAP) was established with an aim to bring Women Entrepreneurs trying to help each other and work in collaboration for welfare Maximization.
Vipani was established by ALEAP.It provides branded quality products at low cost.They provide Home delivery for online orders also.
· Involved in preparation of test cases.
· Execution the test cases using QTP and Manually.
· Involved in GUI, Smoke, User interface testing.
· Performed Retesting and Regression testing.
· Reported Bugs to Tracking Team.
· Reporting the test results to the team leader.
Project #3: Lucindaellery
Client : The Lucindaellery Consultancy Ltd, Hamesmith, UK
Technology : Java.
Testing Approach : Manual & Automation
Tools Used : QTP
Duration : February 2009 to August 2009
Team Size : 06
Role : Test Engineer
www.lucindaelleryshopping.com, www.lucindaellery-hairloss.co.uk
Online e-commerce shopping cart for Hair Extenstions and Hair care and Hair Loss products.Halona Technologies owned shopping cart script using PHP and MySQL.
Shopping can be done either as a member or without membership.sagepay payment gateway included with paypal.Members can edit or delete their profiles.They can maintain their billing and shipping details.There is a facility of Reorder,Re-order member Having the facility to edit cart,cart items.Site admin having all facilities,means can edit,add,delete on orders,products properties,member ships
www.lesanctuary.com is one of the website of The Lucindaellery Consultancy,U.K.It is a optional online positive support system which compliments the personal programmes provided by Lucinda Ellery.It is a private and secure environment from Lucinda.Member has so many opportunities to ask questions,read what others have been through and see the success stories and personal triumphs.
· Involved in preparation of test cases.
· Execution the test cases using QTP and Manually.
· Involved in GUI, Smoke, User interface testing.
· Performed Retesting and Regression testing.
· Reported Bugs to Tracking Team.
· Reporting the test results to the team leader.
Project #4: IIIT-H main website
Client : IIIT-H(International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad)
Technology : Java.
Testing Approach : Manual & Automation
Tools Used : QTP
Duration : July 2008 to Janauary 2009
Team Size : 06
Role : Test Engineer
iiit.ac.in/placements/placement 2008
It is a IIIT-H main Web Site Using Drupal Management Content System.We developed and integrated complete recruitment management system for IIIT-H
Having the information about registered students,past students as Alumini,staff members.Having separate module for companies,and they can registered themselves for recruitment input job openings.company can view the received resumes from only IIIT-H current yearly students. Built on own Content Management System.
· Involved in preparation of test cases.
· Execution the test cases using QTP and Manually.
· Involved in GUI, Smoke, User interface testing.
· Performed Retesting and Regression testing.
· Reported Bugs to Tracking Team.
· Reporting the test results to the team leader.
By: karuna
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