Many testers one of the daily job is writing a test case. And yes, you have different scenarios and different domains and different functionality for which you need to write test cases.
Here I am trying to give a simple scenario and how to write a test case for this.
First of all I will write possible test cases for using a ATM machine.
- ATM machine accepts the ATM card
- Machine Rejects the ATM for some reason such as expired card.
- Enter the correct PIN number
- Operation failed because you entered the wrong pin for 3 times.
- Select the proper language
- Select your account category(credit/debit).
- operation failed because of wrong account type.
- Select amount to be selected.
- Withdraw the amount.
- A message pop up that you exceeded the daily withdrawl limit.
- With draw amount success.
- operation failed because there is no money in ATM.
These are all the possible test cases for drawing money from an ATM machine.
IN the next article I will write how to write each test case from the above indetail.