QA Interview Questions

QA (Quality Analyst) Interview

questions for Tester:


Quality Analyst Interview Questions

Quality Analyst Interview Questions

1) Why did you choose your career as a Tester?

2) What is the main quality  a tester should have?

3) Tester is normally treated as a low level employee in IT industry. Can you explain why it is wrong?

4) Can you explain why testing is important and 1 or 2 examples of disasters in the world due to lack of proper testing.

5) When Manual testers are needed? and when Automated testers are needed?

6) Is it important that a tester should know little bit of programming?

7) Is it important a tester should know SQL?

8) What is the life cycle of testing?

9) How do you want to see yourself after 5 years from now?

10) Difference between Validation and testing?


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