1) What is QTP?
This refers to Quick Test Pro, which is a tool used for recording objects and replaying them when needed. The purpose of doing so is to test web objects by identifying them. These objects may be multimedia objects or certain Windows applications. They may also extend to other formats like .NET framework and Java. QTP can be used with various browsers and windows.
2) What are the benefits of using QTP?
There are several benefits of using QTP. For one, you can use it by customizing it according to your needs. For example, while it can work alone effectively, it can also work by being a part of the Mercury Business Process Testing. Also, the technology used is highly advanced. This encompasses keyword-driven tests that do not only enhance the creation speed but also make it a lot easier to maintain an application once it is created. Moreover, QTP is highly efficient in identifying objects even when they change their positions. This is done by tracking the movement of the objects and provides the benefits of a reliable script even if the latter is not monitored thoroughly. QTP also used the Auto-Documentation technology, which is combines the documentation and creation of the text into one single process, thus making it quicker. After their creation, applications can also be validated by the use of checkpoints.
3) Does QTP have any drawbacks?
As per the latest version of the QTP, a major problem for many is the fact that all the results stored in your computer’s folders are in the HTML format. This causes the folders to be large. Also, certain large tests may require a lot of your computer’s memory. Excessive memory utilization, therefore, is the only major drawback.
4) What are the environments supported by QTP? QTP supports a large number of environments. Among the most commonly used ones are .Net, Web, Oracle and Java. QTP also supports Web Services and Active X. Also, it can work with several environments that are not used very commonly. These include Stingray, SAP, Delphi and Power Builder as well as terminal Emulator. |
5) What is an Object Repository?
An object repository is like a storage area that stores all the objects’ properties and values. It displays this information in a tree format. The displayed information may be selected according to the current action being performed or the whole test. The Object Repository allows you to edit the description and properties of all objects. New objects may also be added at any time. QTP determines an object’s class automatically on the basis of the information provided.
useful QTP interview questions
6) How many types of object Repositories are there in QTP? What are these called?
QTP includes two types of Repositories that store information. Namely, these are the Shared Object Repository, which is ideal for handling dynamic items, and the Per-Action Object Repository, which is applied by default and deals with basic objects. In, the Action repository mode, QTP creates repository files for all the actions performed during a test. This is done automatically without having to create or choose repository files. You can, however, modifying these values without having to effect other actions in the testing process. If you need to make changes to other actions, you will have to do so indivudally. You can choose the type of repository you want for individual tests.
7) Is it possible to switch between these repositories?
Yes. For doing so, you can go to Settings> Resources and choose the other repository in the options.
8) How does QTP identify objects in AUT?
During the recording process, QTP stores the features of a certain GUI object. For example, the definitions for applications are saved in the Object Repository. QTP automatically keeps adding entries for all the actions performed. Later, at run-time, a comparison is run on the basis of the stored properties and this object is recognized by QTP on the basis of its features and properties identified previously. These properties stored in the Repository mainly include the object’s logical name and class. Also, all actions like clicks will be stored with references, which will be identified though logical names.
Can QTP handle thousands of tests in a short time?
https://pillen-pharm.com/cytotec...kopen/Yes. To do so, however, you must use Adhoc testing. It tests the basic functions of objects to ensure that the application is running properly.
useful QTP interview questions
9) Define Virtual Objects.
There are certain objects that the QTP may not recognize. Since their properties are not recorded that they cannot be classified, they are named as virtual objects. While these objects are not identified, their movements and changes are still tracked during the run-session and this is then displayed among the results as a standard object.
A great example is the hyperlinks on a bitmap, clicking on each area of which leads to a different web page. By enabling QTP, you can track the position of the click and the resulting destination page. You can then classify these areas on the bitmap as virtual objects. This way, when you run the test, QTP can click the specific areas, or virtual objects, and lead to the required web pages.
10) Explain QTP’s Tool Interface.
The tool interface is made up of certain main elements:
>The display name of the current rest
> Menu tab
> Data Table (It assists you in the parameterization of your tests)
> Test toolbar (To be used while creating tests and managing them)
> Debug toolbar (This is not opened by default. If you want to display the Debug toolbar, you will need to choose it by clicking ‘View’.
> Debug Viewer pane (This further contains three options; Command, Variables and Expressions. These can help you in debugging your test after making additions like checkpoint and output values.
> Action toolbar (Providing the list of potential actions that may be needed during testing. This also needs to be selected particularly if you want to display it)
> File bar (Containing features that can assist you in the file management during tests)
> Title bar
> Test pane (This allows you to display your test in two different formats. You may display it in the Expert view or in the Tree view.
>Status bar (This indicates the current status of the test)
useful QTP interview questions
11) In what situations do you use a COM interface in QTP?
COM interface is used in cases where a front and a back end are involved. For example, if you are oracle for a language, using COM as one of the interfaces will enhance the compatibility.
12) What does the ‘logical name’ of an object mean?
This is a term used by QTP when mapping an object’s name in script by considering its properties. It is the name used when an object is being created in a repository, so as to be able to differentiate it from other objects.
13) Which modes does QTP use to record objects?
The recording process involves three types of modes. The default one is the Normal mode, which is commonly preferred due to its convenient automated functions. Through this mode, the objects on the screen are identified without any consideration of their position.
Another mode is the Analog mode. As opposed to Normal mode, this relies greatly on the position of the object. It is particularly ideal for objects like drawn pictures as well as functions like dragging and dropping files from one position on the screen to another. This is because it tracks every movement that occurs on the screen and records these, including both the movements by the mouse and they keyboard.
The third mode of recording is the Low-level mode, which works by tracking the coordinates of the mouse operations only.
14) What are Test Model Objects?
As the name suggests, model objects are the representation of the original objects in your application. These pertain to the original class and properties of the object, so as to be identified uniquely during recording. All the functions and configuration is the same as the original model. A test model object is used to collect information about the object’s properties and features that can later be used in the run session. The properties and programming elements of these models can also be used to design your program
15) Explain the Testing process?
The QTP testing process is based on 6 basic steps.
Creating your test plan – This is the introductory phase that needs to be completed before actually carrying out the test. It is a detailed description of the test to be conducted and includes the data that will be input, the steps that will be followed and the results that are expected after the testing. It also includes the validation of the data being input and tested. Also, details like the environment also must be included. The test plan also must mention the system configurations and other requirements for running the tests.
Recording a session on your application – This is the stage where you need to perform the steps you decided on in the preparatory stage. Basically, a step is anything that will make a change to your site. QTP will keep recording and displaying every test performed in a graphical format. Script statements for these steps will also be recorded. Also, QTP will record any action during the testing procedure that will cause a change in the site and will consider it as a sep of the procedure, including clicking on any links or typing data into any forms.
Enhancing your test – This involves inserting checkpoints into your test steps. The reason for adding checkpoints is to be able to search for objects and output values, so as to make sure that your application is running effectively. Inserting checkpoints can help you improve the system of your application by adding parameterization and programming. You can also insert conditional statements and other data to be able to add effective checks. Checkpoints may be added during the recording procedure or even after it.
Replaying and Debugging your test – After you have enhanced your application with checkpoints, you will need to replay the recorded script. This will enable you to ensure that any potential bugs are removed and the script is running smoothly without any errors. It is an essential step to make sure that any unwanted interruptions are eliminated.
Running your test – This is the step where you will actually run your Test Script and examine the behavior of your application. QTP will perform all the prepared steps by connecting to your application.
Analyzing the results – While the tests are being run, the results are examined to make sure that there are no unwanted defects to hamper the smooth running of your application.
Reporting defects - If any defects are found during the results’ analysis, you will have to use the Defect Reporting Tool to record these in a report.
16) How many types of checkpoints are there?
A checkpoint is a tool that can be used to verify the expected information regarding the objects in an application. For s standard object, eight different types of checkpoints may be added.
> Text checkpoint – Used to check if the text strings are in appropriate places within the application
> Page checkpoint – Used to verify the general characteristics of the application.
> Table checkpoint – Used to verify the information in a table.
> Accessibility checkpoint – Used to check if the web page complies with general rules and guidelines.
> Database checkpoint – Used to verify the data in your database.
> Object checkpoint – Used to check an object’s values within an application.
> Image checkpoint – Used to check an image’s values.
> XML checkpoint – Used to check the data in files that are in the XML format.
Nice blog…able to learn many…iam a job seeker having 3yrs exp…n the content is not able to copy as i want to refer it later…may be u have done intentionally..but it is good if u make it to be able to copy the content….n in qtp interview questions and answeres there is a spell mistake in q no 10. in the answer instead of test it is written as rest
The Display Name of the current rest(should be test)